Bare Rooted Peonies


2024 Bare Rooted Peonies

We will be dispatching ordered peonies by the end of June.

Romswood Farm offers bare-rooted peonies available for order from March to the end of April. Orders will be dispatched by the end of June. $35.00 per plant (5 for $150). 

Peonies are thoroughly beautiful in bloom in springtime, with lush foliage all summer long. Peony plants require little maintenance as long as they are planted appropriately. They do not respond well to transplanting and Winter is the best time to plant. Peonies need a cold winter with approx. 50-80 hours of frost.  This helps the plant to “set a flower”. 

Peonies are incredibly long-lived plants lasting approximately fifty to seventy years. So after you have planted them in the right way, you will have the joy of them for many years. These plants have a preference for full sun or partial shade areas together with fertile, humus rich, well-drained soil. Good air circulation around the peony plant can also be beneficial as is protection from strong winds. Peonies prefer neutral soil. 

Guide: Planting Peonies

Dig a generous sized hole, about two feet deep and across in a well-drained sunny spot. If the soil is heavy or very sandy, enrich it with compost. Add about one cup bonemeal. Stamp it firmly. Set the rhizome so the eyes face upward on top of the firmed soil, placing it so the eyes are only 2 inches (5cm) below the soil surface. Often eyes face many ways so if you can’t tell which way is up, use last year’s stems as a sign. They will have been cut off with secateurs Take care when backfilling to fill the gaps around the rhizomes and to not push the peony deeper.

Water Thoroughly. The peony rhizome needs to feel the cold of the winter frosts. 

Annual care. Peonies are greedy feeders so cow and/or chicken manure as they “go to sleep” (Autumn), and to “wake them up” (Spring) will help them establish quickly and supply them with the nutrients they need.  Depending on your soil’s ph., a cup of agricultural lime per plant in Autumn will also keep them happy.  

We are offering a range of our best performing peonies in our shop, click below to see!